Public Utilities

The entire area of the industrial park is fully serviced with utilities. The high security level of supply and the large amount of available utility capacities provide a developed infrastructure to the companies operating in the park and offer outstanding development potential to prospective investors.

Electricity is supplied through underground cable loops from a 120/20 kV transformer substation located on the border of the industrial park. In case of an increase in demand a new substation will be established on the North West border of the industrial park, which may provide excess capacity up to 100 MW.
Provider: E-on Észak-dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.

Located on the western border of the industrial park is the gas transmission station which is linked to the international network and provides access to more than 100.000 Nm3/h available capacity.
Providers: ÉGÁZ-DÉGÁZ Földgázelosztó Zrt. és a TurulgázZrt.

Drinking water supply is connected to the network of the city and based on a deep karst water resource. The available capacity of the system in the park reaches 6.000 m3/day.
Provider: Észak-dunántúli Vízmű Zrt.

The sewage system is connected to the reatment plant of the city where the free capacity is around 15.000 m3/day.
Provider: Észak-dunántúli Vízmű Zrt.

Rainwater is channeled by an underground pipe system and open ditches by the main roads. Companies of the industrial park are served by the modern ICT infrastructure through optical and copper cables.